
Rapture by Lauren Kate (& Giveaway!)

8:00 AM

Title: Rapture (Fallen #4)
Author: Lauren Kate
Release Date: June 12, 2012 (hardcover)
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Pages: 464
Source: Copy provided by publisher

Overall: 4.5 Stars

The sky is dark with wings. . . .

Like sand through an hourglass, time is running out for Luce and Daniel. To stop Lucifer from erasing the past, they must find the place where the angels fell to earth.

Dark forces are after them, and Daniel doesn’t know if he can do this—live only to lose Luce again and again. Yet together they face an epic battle that will end with lifeless bodies . . . and angel dust. Great sacrifices are made. Hearts are destroyed.

And suddenly Luce knows what must happen. For she was meant to be with someone other than Daniel. The curse they’ve borne has always and only been about her—and the love she cast aside. The choice she makes now is the only one that truly matters. In the fight for Luce, who will win.

The astonishing conclusion to the FALLEN series. Heaven can’t wait any longer.

My Thoughts:
I've had a shaky relationship with the Fallen series in the past, but after reading Passion last year, it renewed my faith and left me anticipating the final book. After finally beginning to get some answers in the third book, and seeing the depth of the Luce and Daniel's long history together, Rapture builds off its momentum and continues full force to the finish!

I was really proud of Luce in this novel. She has grown so much over the course of this series, from a clueless and lovesick teenage girl to a young woman fighting for what she believes in, who doesn't shy away from potentially dangerous situations. She will always be comforted by the knowledge that Daniel is by her side, but I was glad to see she wasn't so dependent on him to do everything for her this time around. With Lucifer's plans to erase the past and begin everything anew, there was too much at stake for Luce to be doubting any of Daniel's intentions, like she had in the previous novels.

Daniel is just as sweet and overprotective as ever before in Rapture. His character may have frustrated me in the past with all his secrets, but I finally understood why he's always had to keep so silent, waiting for Luce to remember her past lives and the details of the curse on her own. And while I know this has always been Luce and Daniel's timeless love story, I did miss seeing Cam as he didn't appear as often in the storyline this time around. Since the very first book, Cam has always had a magnetic personality which lured me in right away, and there was something just so compelling about the way you could never tell if he was a friend or foe.

Rapture made me do something that I never imagined a book in the Fallen series could do: it brought me to tears. When I finished reading the novel, I had no idea if I was crying happy or sad tears before a state of emotional numbness eventually settled over me. It's one of those bittersweet endings that resonates in your head for days... Are you sure you're ready for the epic conclusion to the Fallen series?

Thanks so much to Random House Canada for providing this review copy!


Giveaway! I have an extra finished copy of Lauren Kate's Rapture, so I'm giving it away to a lucky follower!
  • please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter
  • giveaway is INTERNATIONAL
  • giveaway will end at 12:00 a.m. on July 3, 2012
  • winner will be contacted by email afterwards
  • do not leave your email address in the comments
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I, too, have a shaky history with this series. I'm glad the final installment is worth it! Great review!

  2. Ack!! I love this series, and I can't wait!! and the cover is beautiful!

  3. I want to see if they'll be together forever:) I love Lauren Kate!

    Thanks so much:)

  4. Like everyone, we all want to see how it turns out. Sounds like it's pretty satisfactory too. Thanks for the review and giveaway.

  5. I found FALLEN on the table at my bookstore a month after it came out, I read it in a day and ever since then I have been waiting not so patiently for the next book, the books get better each time and I just have to find out what happens to Luce and Daniel!

  6. I'm just nodding my head along to everything you say here! Totally agree about Luce - she has definitely shown clear growth and it was nice to see her stronger as we wrap up her journey. And Cam! Oh Cam. He and Arriane are my two favourite characters in this series and I really, really hope we see a spin-off starring him in the future <3

    YES!! Ditto with the tears! I was not expecting to cry, but oh... that epilogue. Bittersweet is the right word. I was happy and... not.. and... sigh, it was a beautiful way to end, no doubt about it. Amazing review!

  7. It's the romance, I need to see how that's going to play out. I think bittersweet is the right way to describe it. I'm just oh so excited in general. Plus, Luce and Cam and oh my goodness!!!

    Suz @ A Soul Unsung

  8. I can't wait to read this one have to see how it ends. I love fallen read all of them I also love the covers all so pretty! Thank you for the great giveaway!

  9. I need to knows what happens to Luce and Daniel. Will they be together or not!?

  10. OMG! This is amazing!
    I can't wait to see how it ends!

  11. I would like to be a part of this modern-ish romantic fantasy! And want to know why was the end so upsetting?! O_o

  12. I loved Luce and Daniel from the beginning they're perfect one for another, can't wait to read it !!!!

  13. This book was good, however I did enjoy the other three better. I didn't like how her human life just kind of faded away. The main reason I wanted to write a review was mainly to ask a question to those who have read it. It seems that the story behind Luce and Cam was never actually explained.. and that kind of upset me since I was really interested in what had happen between them. For example why was Cam after her in Fallen? Why was it when he kissed her that she enjoyed it? Even in this book there seems to be some bond/attraction between them that is never fully explained. Did I happen to just miss it somewhere?

  14. I want to see how Luce and Daniel's story concludes. It seems like I have been waiting forever for this book to come out.
    Thanks for the chance to win!!

  15. I've read the first 3 books as well as Fallen in Love. I didn't like the first two books that much but the third was awesome so I can't wait to read Rapture!

  16. I really want to know the conclusion to this series and how everything works out between Luce and Daniel.Also,the cover is very pretty :)

  17. I've always wanted to read Lauren Kate's series so this is a great book to get off my wishlist!

  18. I'm excited because I love the series! The cover is amazing :)
    Thank you for the international giveaway.

  19. I am excited to read Rapture because Luce and Daniel belong together.

  20. I looooovvveee Lauren! lol is that enough? :P

  21. I want to find out why were Luce and Daniel cursed and what will happen to them and Cam

  22. Amazing series! Would love to see what'll happen next... Thanks! :)

  23. I'm in the middle of reading Passion right now and I really need to get the last book!!

  24. i want to try the book from this series again as i dont know why the first book make me confuse T_T

  25. I want to know what happens! I hate waiting.

  26. I'm excited to read Rapture because I want to know what happens to all of the characters. Passion had such a cliffhanger (well it did for me) :) Thanks for the giveaway! :D

  27. I am still on Fallen, but I love to read series all the way through so it would be nice to have this already

  28. I love paranormal/fantasy.
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  29. I love this series and I want to know what happens!!
    Thanks for the giveaway:)

  30. My neighbor recommends this author.


  31. Because her other books have been great!

