
YA Love Triangle Week - My Team Jace Post!

3:00 PM

YA Love Triangle Week, hosted by Amber at Down the Rabbit Hole, is now over but you have until November 14 to cast your vote for your favourite pair of arguers and the chance to win a prize!

This was my argument in favour of Team Jace!

I’m here to plead my case for you all to support Team Jace!! He is one of favourite guys in YA lit, and if you don’t already love him as much as I do, all I can say is, “Well, then… more for me!” *cue girly laughter* I’m not kidding about the ‘girly’ part either- Jace has the ability to turn me into a complete fan-girl. Before talking about him melts me into a complete puddle after talking about him so much, I’m going to share a bit about why I LOVE him and why YOU should too! 
Name: Jace Lightwood (most preferable last name)
Age: 16/17
Species: Nephilim
Status: In a Relationship (with Clary Fray)
Occupation: Kick-A** Shadowhunter
Appearance: So Gorgeous It Should Be Illegal

Everything about Jace sparks a reaction- whether I’m laughing at his wicked witty sarcasm, growing teary-eyed at the level of protectiveness he feels to those he loves, his loyalty, his fearlessness in the face of danger, his intelligence in knowing so many facts, and well… I could go on and on. Sure, he could also infuriate you at times like any other boy, but that never stops you from loving him and it is certainly an aspect of his charm.

The first time Jace made me swoon was almost in the very beginning of the first novel, City of Bones, when he rescued Clary from her apartment, literally sweeping her off her feet when she was losing consciousness and then later taking her to the safety of the Institute. Jace can be my knight in shining armour any day, just saying. By the time I first read about his tragic past and his father who taught him that “to love is to destroy,” I was already a goner. How could anyone resist a bad boy with a mysterious past?

Because of Jace’s past, he has a tendency to keep people at a distance… even his closest loved ones. However, he would never, ever abandon them in times of need and would do anything he could to help- to the point of self-sacrificing himself. He gives his whole heart to those he loves with a passion that just leaves you breathless and wishing the pages would come alive so he would feel that way about you too.

Indeed this was certainly the case as the series continued. Whenever there was a scene involving Jace (and thank goodness there’s a lot!), my eyes were constantly glued to the page. There are times when Jace feels so tormented about the way events have come about, certainly in the case of City of Ashes and in City of Glass, which make your heart totally go out to him and make you wish that you could do something to make the pain fade away.

How many characters make you respond this way? Sure, there are some pretty great guys in YA that I love, but Jace is a rarity who shall always have a special place. I know there’s still plenty more I can say and that this summary doesn’t probably come close to serving him justice, but he has this magnetic pull on readers that refuses to let you get away. 

Famous Last Words (ie. Just a few of my fave lines by Jace because there are too many otherwise!):
“If you wanted me to rip my clothes off, you could have just asked.” (City of Bones)
“It means ‘Shadowhunters: Looking Better in Black than the Widows of our Enemies Since 1234.’” (City of Bones)
“Usually I’m remarkably good-natured. Try me on any day that doesn’t end in y.” (City of Ashes)
“Every time you almost die, I almost die myself.” (City of Ashes)  
“I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there is life after that, I’ll love you then.” (City of Glass)

The thought of supporting anyone else never crossed my mind while reading The Mortal Instruments novels because seriously, I had already given my heart to Jace. For me, it has always been and will always be TEAM JACE all the way, and I really do hope you guys feel that way too!

So please, please, PLEASE support Team Jace this week!

Have I done enough to convince you to side with Team Jace? If yes, please support Ava (who's supporting Team Simon) and myself, and vote for Team Jace vs. Team Simon as we're being judged as pairs. The voting form can be found on Amber's blog post here and there are many ways to gain extra entries. I'll still like you even if you don't end up voting for us, lol! ^.~

And don't forget to also check out the awesome Cassandra Clare interview on her blog too! I even learned a few new things about the characters in The Mortal Instruments that I didn't know before!

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  1. I was already definitively Team Jace, but this post didn't hurt. I just adore a snarky bad boy and Jace will always be number one in that category. Fabulous post though, very well argued in Jace's favor!

  2. Okay I have never read these books but you totally just sold me on them and Jace! SO reading it!

  3. Many would say since I am a Scientist I would have a geeky side. Now who said that? Well, I would have to agree. Simon seems like a great match.

    However, my undyable female sexuality leads me straight to Jace. Simon could be great for Clary, or me. But I would have to say Team Jace all the way no matter what. Because when he is on a page I am swooning all over the place an fanning myself to keep from going flush.

    Please do stop by any time. I have many new posts going up due to my laboratory rearranging itself last week. Dang unstable liquids. *grin*

    Mad Scientist

  4. Jace is one of my all-time favorite characters in any book that I have ever read ... I know that sounds like an overstatement, but truly I love his angst so much. He's the character I'd been waiting my whole life for! <3

  5. It's kind of hard not to love Jace, huh? He's the YA male hero that all my other YA male heros have to live up to. Sigh. Totally makes me feel like a giddy 16 year old again. That's kind of fun.

  6. I'm so Team Jace. I remember after I read the ending of City of Bones I was shocked and sad because of the possible connection between him and Clary but thank god it wasn't true.

  7. Thanks guys! I'm so glad to see other Team Jace fans!! :)

    Jenny- I was so shocked after reading that part too but I never gave up hope they would be together, lol.

  8. GO Team JACE! I love him so much! He's my favourite character of any book in the whole world! By the angel! Simon is cute and friendly but... Jace is 100000000000000 etc. times better!
