
Some Good News... and Bad News...

12:03 AM

Hey guys!

The title is pretty self-explanatory but I have some good news and bad news to share with you...

Let's get the bad news out of the way, shall we? My exams are once again approaching, kicking off next week on Monday and not finishing until December 14, which is my very last one for the fall semester. This means I'm not going to have as much time to post anything except maybe my WoW pick and any book-related news that I simply can't wait to share (ie. if I spot any new covers or book trailers!).

The good news though? Once I'm finally done exams, I can focus on the blog and read more books during my break since I don't begin a new semester until January 10. During this time, I hope to post some long overdue reviews (I'm so behind!), visit and comment on blogs that I follow more often (always nice to share the comment love!), finally have my very first giveaway... and I hope to give the blog a new and hopefully improved look! 

Well, that's it. I'm seeing Suzanne Collins Saturday afternoon at Indigo Yorkdale and later that night, watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1! It's going to be a busy day so Sunday I'll be studying like mad and hoping I'm ready (yeah, right *sarcastic*) for my Chemistry Test on Monday.

Anyways, that's all. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend and happy reading! ^_^

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  1. Good luck on your exams. And I hope you have fun seeing Suzanne Collins - I really wished I lived near you and Book Junkies so I could attend these great signings. LOL OOoo and I want to see Harry Potter this weekend too... trying to convince my boyfriend, but he just isn't into HP at all. *sigh*

  2. Sounds like a very fun day!

    Good luck with your exams... I don't miss those at all!

  3. Focus on your school because the blog will be here! Good luck to you on your exams and have a great Saturday :)

  4. Good luck with your exams! I'm so jealous you get to meet Suzanne Collins! Have fun :)

  5. I know how you feel. I'm going through all my midterms and preparing for finals right now too. Good luck with all your tests!

    Oh! And enjoy harry potter! I've seen it twice now and it is absolutely fantastic!

  6. Hey hun! I hope that you do well on your tests and upcoming exams! take all the study time you need to focus on doing well! *hugs* good luck!

  7. Good luck on your exams. I sure know how you feel!! I have ONE semester left - Hallelujah!

    You sure had a rocking Saturday!

  8. Thanks so much for the good luck everyone!! ^_^

    Must Love Books- Good luck on your midterms/finals too!! :)

    Smash Attack- I'll join you in celebration once mine are over. Only one semester almost down and I already just want it all to end, lol.

    It was cool to meet Suzanne Collins yesterday (I should have time to post pics after Monday) and Harry Potter 7 Part 1 was just amazing! I already want to see it again, lol.
