
Cassandra Clare and Holly Black Signing in TO this Friday!

9:00 AM

I am so excited for this Friday!! Why? Because authors Cassandra Clare and Holly Black will be in town, reading and then signing their novels in Toronto at Chapters Queensway!

When: Friday, November 5, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Where: Chapters Queensway
             1950 The Queensway
             Etobicoke, ON

As far as I know, they will be signing however many novels you have as long as it's theirs! I've never been to that Chapters/Indigo location, so I'm hoping I don't get lost along the way there!

Oh, did I mention I was excited? The name Midnight Bloom was partially inspired by a certain chapter in City of Bones, so I don't think it's too difficult to figure out which author I'm especially excited to meet! Who else is going to be there that night!? ^_^

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  1. I really wanted to come and was planning on it, but having car troubles so can't make it Friday. *sigh* I hope you have a really awesome time and can't wait to see your pics and drool over the books you got signed. :)

    I really wanted to meet Holly!

  2. Ah!! I just found out about this and told my friend and I live close to there so I'm hoping we can go and I can get my City of Bones/Ashes/Glass signed. How cool!!
