
Suzanne Collins Signing in Toronto!

9:44 PM

Last Saturday (Nov 20) afternoon, I had the opportunity to meet Suzanne Collins, author of the The Hunger Games trilogy, when she came to Toronto for the final stop on her Mockingjay book tour! It was a relatively quick event and due to a wrist injury, Suzanne could only stamp one book per ticket, but I'm so glad I got to go anyways! 

I had meant to originally arrive at Indigo Yorkdale at least an hour before the event but I ended up getting there with only a half hour to spare! My mother and I left our house late, plus it was nuts trying to find parking at Yorkdale since everyone was beginning to shop for Christmas already. Anyways, the staff were organizing the line where some people were below, closer to the stage, while the rest were upstairs, a line wrapping around the railing on the upper level, so we just took a place above and got ready to wait for 1:00 p.m when Suzanne would appear! I plugged in my iPod while my Mom continued reading Catching Fire since she was almost done. (And I totally had to stop her from reading the end because she tried to skip forward! I used to do that more often but I've been better lately...)

When 1:00 p.m. arrived, Suzanne was warmly greeted and all of us above leaned forward to try to catch a glimpse of her. She was really nice and even read to us... reading a bit of Catching Fire and the first chapter of Mockingjay to everyone. I couldn't see her from my vantage point up above nor could I hear her all too well, so I headed downstairs while my Mom waited in line for us so I could listen more clearly. There wasn't a Q&A afterwords sadly, so once she finished, the signing began and I hurried back to my spot, eager for my turn to meet her!

It didn't seem like much of a wait before it was my turn!

 It wasn't a very long event but I still had a lot of fun! Thank you so much Suzanne for coming to Toronto to meet some of your Canadian readers!

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  1. Wasn't she just amazing?!? I was there as well; my friends and I showed up at 9:30 in the morning to stand in line. I can actually see myself in your picture, all the way at the bottom! Love your scarf btw, did you watch HP&DH that day?

  2. I was there too and I cried I love her. It was an awesome experience she is humble and unique.

  3. Missie- Thanks! :)

    Honey- Wow! Since 9:30 a.m.? You're definitely more of a hardcover fan than I am. And yes, I did see HP later that night! It was so AWESOME! I cried at the end though... ^.~

    klm- I'm glad you had great time meeting Suzanne! I didn't cry but I was pretty nervous...

  4. She was in Toronto and I missed it? Gah!

    Looks like you had a splendid time :)

  5. Aw that sounds awesome! It must have been pretty packed there, but yay for getting a book signed and a nice photo with the author :)
