
In My Mailbox (13)

12:25 PM

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren where we share any new books or goodies we bought, received, borrowed, etc. during the week.

I'm a little late in posting my IMM, but this is what I got last week!

  • Some Girls Are by Courtney Summers
  • Zombies vs. Unicorns edited by Holly Black and Justine Larbalestier 

So this is what I got this week! I've already read Some Girls Are and can't believe I didn't read it sooner! Plus, I bought Zombies vs. Unicorns for the Holly Black and Cassandra Clare signing which I'll be posting about soon. I was going to buy The Mockingbirds by Daisy Whitney too but it wasn't in any of the bookstores in my area sadly.

How about YOU guys? Any new reads/finds you'd like to share?

Happy Reading! 

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  1. Lucky you going to a C. Clare signing! Zombie v. Unicorns sounds really cute.

  2. I've heard such great things about Courtney Summers books but haven't read any of them yet. Can't wait to hear all about the signing.
