
Book Trailer! - Vixen by Jillian Larkin

6:00 PM

I stumbled across this book trailer for Vixen by debut author Jillian Larkin and just had to share it with everyone because I just love it!

 Release Date: December 14, 2010
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers

Summary (from Chapters/Indigo):
Jazz . . . Booze . . . Boys . . . It's a dangerous combination.

Every girl wants what she can't have. Seventeen-year-old Gloria Carmody wants the flapper lifestyle-and the bobbed hair, cigarettes, and music-filled nights that go with it. Now that she's engaged to Sebastian Grey, scion of one of Chicago's most powerful families, Gloria's party days are over before they've even begun . . . or are they?

Clara Knowles, Gloria's goody-two-shoes cousin, has arrived to make sure the high-society wedding comes off without a hitch-but Clara isn't as lily-white as she appears. Seems she has some dirty little secrets of her own that she'll do anything to keep hidden. . . .

Lorraine Dyer, Gloria's social-climbing best friend, is tired of living in Gloria's shadow. When Lorraine's envy spills over into desperate spite, no one is safe. And someone's going to be very sorry. . . .

From debut author Jillian Larkin, VIXEN is the first novel in the sexy, dangerous, and ridiculously romantic new series set in the Roaring Twenties . . . when anything goes.

So what did you think about the trailer? Doesn't it feel like you've been taken straight back in time to another era? Vixen is the first in the new Flappers series and I can't help but draw comparisons to Anna Godbersen's Bright Young Things series, the first of which was also just released a short time ago and also takes place in the 1920's. No matter though, I'll still be looking forward to checking out this novel when December comes!

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  1. Wow, that is quite a dramatic and vibrant trailer!

  2. Awesome trailer! I'm dying to read this book :)

  3. Love it! After reading Bright Young Things I'm very interested in reading more books set in the same era. Like Bright Youngs Things the story of Vixen sounds like its full of drama and scandal too.

  4. That trailer is amazing! It's crazy that a debut author got such a fancy, spendy looking trailer. That almost never happens!

  5. I love this trailer! I can't wait to read this. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Jenny- lol, when I think historical YA fiction, I pretty much ALWAYS expect to find drama and scandal! I definitely can't wait to see what will happen in this one in that regard!

    Must Love Books- I know, right? I was so surprised by the quality of this trailer... I've already watched it several times!
