
Book Blogger Hop + Follow Friday (3)

12:35 AM

Follow Friday and Book Blogger Hop are weekly events hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee and Jennifer at Crazy-for-Books respectively. 

This week's question is: How many books do you have on your 'to be read shelf'?

Well, according to my shelf on Goodreads, as of RIGHT NOW I have about 167 books... and this changes daily. There's just too many books I spot that sound really good and I make sure to add the book before I forget about them later.

If we're counting the books I actually have in possession.... hmmm... maybe a maximum of 20? I've read most of mine and it's mostly a few of my sister's books I have to read still since she doesn't always let me borrow them right away from her. 

What about you guys? Towering stacks of books to read through still or a manageable amount?

Well, I'm off to do some blog hopping! *hops away*

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  1. Hopping through. You have a really beautiful header on your blog. I need to make one... I'm following you now as well.
    Alison Can Read

  2. Hey Liz! I found you through the blog hop, and I just became your latest follower!

    I've got 758 books on my to read list, and 138 on my to-read shelf. Mine got a WEE bit out of control...lol.

    Hope you have a great weekend! :)

  3. YAY Ontario...wait there is an Ontario in the States. Are you Canadian?

    Either way happy friday!

    The Book Guru

  4. Hopping through. U have a nice Blog; good reviews.
    Come check mine out if you wish
    Have a good weekend!!
    Happy reading!!

  5. Thank you so much for stopping by my site a couple weeks ago.

    I like your site alot hope to stop by more often.

    Valorie @ www.TruthBeToldBlog.com

  6. Hey - just hoppin' by! Hope you have a great weekend! Stop by The Wormhole and say hi!

  7. Hey, hopped over from Follow Friday and I'm loving your header, so pretty! I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts :)
    Have a Great Weekend
    In the Library of LadyViolet

  8. Hi, blog hopping through : ) ! Happy Friday!
    And don’t forget to check out my site to see my weekly featured movie clip, special announcement, and my answer to this week’s Blog Hop’s question.

  9. Hey, here from the hop! New follower. First off, I absolutely love your header! It's really pretty. And my number of books changes daily too! There are just so many awesome books out there.

  10. Happy Friday! Just hopping by!! Great site!


  11. Hi! Stopping in via the hop! I'm a new follower! Woohoo ontario! (me too)

  12. Goodreads is really evil where booklists are concerned. I have about 400 books on my to read list and a lot of them have yet to be released. Anyway, awesome blog you have here. I love the banner. I'm bookmarking you. Let's be friends!

  13. Happy Friday. Come see how many books I have on my TBR pile.

  14. Towering mountain of books is more like it. I don't think I'll ever be able to finish every book on my to-read list (currently 402 books on Goodreads), but I hope to one time have at least read all the books I actually own.

  15. Hopping on through! Lovely, like the bubbles in the background. Didn't even see them at first, subtle but elegant. Header is pretty too. Couldn't find any books except through scrolling, but I've spotted your archive on the right. Anything good?

  16. Hey hopping by. I chose your blog from the list because it has the word "Midnight" in it...like mine : ) Nice format on your blog. Nice and clean, not too much clutter!

  17. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your header its gorgeous. I am a follower :) Have a great weekend


  18. Hey there!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I look forward to reading more on yours! Have a great weekend!

    Once Upon A Chapter

  19. I'm hopping on by.

    I'm already a happy follower :)


