
The Versatile Blogger Award!

7:00 PM

Earlier in the month, I was fortunate once again to receive The Versatile Blogger Award. Thank you Stephany from Read-a-holic for passing the award to me (and sorry it took so long to post about it)!

Here is how the award works:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason! (In no particular order...)
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.

You've already learned 7 things about me from the previous time I won, so I'll try to think of something new to share about myself.... 

1) Chocolate and candy are my kryptonite.

2) My bedroom is painted this cool shade of purple that I just love.

3) I love drinking grapefruit/orange bubble tea with tapioca... but when I can't drink that, I'll definitely settle for an Iced Cappuccino from Tim Horton's. 

4) I go to Cineplex to watch a movie almost every week, plus I own tons of DVD's. Let's just say I'm also an avid moviegoer.

5) I'm afraid of bugs/insects.

6) I enjoy 10-pin bowling with my cousins.

7) I went to my very first concert this year! I got to see Taylor Swift when she came to Toronto and it was AWESOME.

This was when Taylor left the big stage up front after a short break and suddenly made an appearance in the audience. She then performed on this smaller stage.

I'm now passing the award to:

1. Sarah from That Bookish Girl
2. Tynga at Tynga's Reviews
3. Ashley and Christie from Book Junkies
4. Lisa from Badass Bookie
5. Cathy from The Crazy Bookworm
6. Erin from Erin Explores YA
7. Danielle from Every Last Page
8. Mundie Moms
9. Caitlin from Scarrlet Reader
10. Ash from Smash Attack Reads!
11. Missie from The Unread Reader
12. Cass from Words on Paper
13. Taylor from The Library Lurker
14. Rachel from And the plot thickens...
15. Brandi from Blkosiner's Book Blog

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  1. I'm scared of insects to! Particularly Bees, but I guess being allergic is a good excuse right?

    Congrats hun and thanks for sharing the honors with me!

  2. CONGRATS! Thank you SO much for nominating me. I feel so special. :)


  3. Congrats on your award! And thanks for nominating me! And I'm very jealous of your being able to go to a Taylor Swift concert!

  4. Congrats on receiving your award! I've received this twice before, but thanks for awarding me another! :D

    Hehe. Congrats on being able to go to see Taylor Swift, live and in action! I'm not a huge fan of her anymore, since I'm not all that "lovesick" or "country". Haha. But that's awesome. I've never been to a concert before!

  5. *squees*

    Thank you so much!

    Your fun facts are super cute! Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself!

  6. Congrats and thanks so much for thinking of us!! :)

    We were actually at that Taylor Swift concert in Toronto. It was so amazing! Probably one of the best concerts I've ever been to.

