
One Lovely Blog Award x 4!

3:35 PM

Thank you so much to Becky at Breathless Books, Bailey at IB Book Blogging, Danielle at Every Last Page, and Missy at Missy's Reads & Reviews for passing this award to me!

Here's how the award works:
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.
3. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

I'm now passing this 'lovely' award, in no particular order, to: 

1) Stephany from Read-a-holic
2) Alyssa, Jake and Gregory at Teens Read and Write
3) Kelly at Midnight Glance
4) Jessica from Confessions of a Bookaholic
5) Lea from YA Book Queen
6) Justine and Steff from A Bookful of Thoughts
7) Sabrina from YA Bliss
8) Natalie from Mindful Musings
9) Elena from Elena's Book Cafe
10) Kelsey at Reading or Breathing
11) Emily at Super Reader Girl's Book Reviews
12) Lindsey at The Book Guru
13) Steph at The Thoughts of Book Junky!
14) AnimeGirl at A Girl, Books, and Other Things
15) Kristi at The Story Siren (Okay, so this one isn't exactly recently discovered as The Story Siren was probably one of the first blogs I ever followed, but this award fits Kristi's blog perfectly!)

Thanks again Becky, Bailey, Danielle and Missy!! 

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  1. Congratulations! Thanks for passing it on to me!

  2. Congrats on getting the award and thanks so much for passing it onto me!! :) BTW, your blog is SO PRETTY!!! Love the design!!

  3. Thanks for the award! :)

  4. Aww..thanks so much! And congrats on getting the award yourself! :D

  5. Thanks so much! And congrats on yours aswell!

  6. Aw, thank you very much for the award! Much congrats to getting it as well! :)
