
Book Trailer! - Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare

10:20 PM

The book trailer for Clockwork Angel, the first novel in The Infernal Devices prequel trilogy, by Cassandra Clare was revealed earlier today on MTV Hollywood Crush!

If you still don't know this, I love love LOVE The Mortal Instruments series and I'm so excited to finally read Clockwork Angel when it's released at the end of the month. I'm already loving the cover and I have high hopes I'm going to love the novel too!

Release Date: August 31, 2010
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry

So what do you think of this book trailer? I think it's pretty cool/awesome!!

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  1. Its a great trailer and I like the voice overs but its not really how I envisioned Tessa to look like.

  2. I think it's terrible, honestly. I found it on youTube, and I thought it was so poorly done it must have been fanmade.

    Turns out it's real. Eh.

    Loved the book, anyway. It was enormously fun.

  3. Irene- Ouch. That's too bad you don't like it. *shrugs*

    You should see some of the older book trailers for novels. They would probably make you cringe, lol. ^.~
