
In My Mailbox (42)

11:51 AM

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren where we share any new books or goodies we bought, received, borrowed, etc. during the week.

This week I got...

Received for Review:

Thanks so much to Scholastic Canada, HarperCollins Canada, and Random House Canada for sending these novels to review! (The Project has a really shiny, red cover that's hard to capture with a camera...)

My sister was really happy when her order for Texas Gothic came in this week so she could pick up. We kept waiting for the book to arrive in store, but we still didn't see it at any of our local Chapters' so we just went ahead and ordered it instead. I can't wait to read it, so I'll definitely have to borrow the novel from her when she's finished reading it!

And I finished Fateful at 4 a.m. this morning! It was so unbelievably good! My Mom came into my room, noticing my light was still on and told me to go to sleep, and I was like, "I CAN'T!!!". (But, you know, in a whispered tone because it was late.) 

What about YOU? Any new reads/finds this week?

And as always... Happy Reading!

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    1. Excellent haul, Liz!

      I'm dying to read Fateful. Be sure to let me know what you think of it. And The Scorpio Races has already been shipped? Didn't know. I guess I should be expecting mine to arrive within the next week.

      Enjoy them, Liz. And don't forget to tell me what you think of Fateful =)

    2. Great books! Fateful and The Scorpio Races sound amazing :)

    3. Cleopatra's Moon sounds awesome. I'm dying to check it out at the library once it gets in. The cover is beautiful!

      Here's my IMM: http://bit.ly/ouffrP

    4. Happy Reading! I picked up Gothic Texas a few weeks ago, still have to read it but it sounds really good!

      My IMM: http://readingawaythedays.blogspot.com/2011/08/imm-12.html

    5. I'm so jealous about The Scorpio Races. I'm excited to read your review about this :)

    6. i want the Scorpio races, i hear alot of good things of Texas Gothic too.


    7. i had not heard of Texas Gothic, but it sounds fabulous.

      and also, is there anything better than staying up into the wee hours of the morning reading an amazing book? i daresay there is not.

    8. I can't believe I haven't gotten Texas Gothic yet. Looks so good. Enjoy.

    9. I just finished Fateful and recently read Texas Gothic---they both definitely made the list of new favorites. Hope you enjoy them as much!

      Great IMM!

    10. The Scorpio Races! Very cool...oh wow, I totally forgot Texas Gothic was out! I'll have to go track down a copy :)

      Happy reading!

    11. I taying up late into the night finishing a book. Actually, I love finding a book that makes you do that. I really want to read Texas Gothic. I think it sounds great. I hope you can read it soon.

    12. Ooh I totally want to read 'Texas Gothic'... I think I have it on hold at the library.

      Enjoy your books! =)

    13. Oh I am DYING to read Fateful. Werewolves on the Titanic? Yes please. Can't wait to read your review!

      Cleopatra's Moon looks so good! Hopefully my library will get that in soon :)

    14. So excited to hear that you loved Fateful!! I just love the premise!

    15. Fateful looks so good!!! Great mailbox this week! I hope you enjoy all you got!

      Here's my IMM! Happy reading!

    16. Fateful was good? That's awesome! I can't wait to see your review. :) I'm also excited for Texas Gothic and The Scorpio Races. Have fun reading!

      Tantalizing Illusions

    17. amazing books!! Im looking forward for The Scorpio Races =P enjoy them =D

    18. Nice IMM this week.
      I keep getting intrigued by Texas Gothic but I got no idea what is about. I just like the title!
      Enjoy your books and have a great week!

    19. Fateful and Texas Gothic sound great! =D Happy reading!!

      My IMM

    20. I've been dying to read Scorpio Races and Texas Gothic--lucky you! Same thing for me, I can't find TG in ANY bookstores...weird! It's a little disappointing.... :/

    21. OMG! Scorpio Races! Lucky Duck!

    22. Great books. I can't wait to get all of these, They look great. Happy reading -New follower gabby
      My Imm-http://yapixie.blogspot.com/2011/08/immin-my-mailbox-3.html

    23. Ah! Great haul! Especially jealous for Fateful and the Scorpio Races! Love Claudia Gray and Maggie Stiefvater!

    24. *SQUEE*! Really awesome books you got hon!!!! I have Cleopatra's Moon and Dark Souls as well!!! I can't wait to get started!!! Happy reading darling!
