
A Little Introduction...

6:21 PM

Hey! I'm Midnight Bloom to some and Liz Savage to others, depending on the sites I frequently tend to haunt.

This is my very first blogging post EVER, and I'm both a bit nervous and excited to see how my blogging experience will be like. Since it's my first post, I thought a little introductions were in order, non?

I'm a Canadian teen whose been a serious reader for... umm... I can't remember. Quite some time, I would say. At the very minimum, at least a few years. When I was a bit younger, my parents used to take my sister (who we shall now call D) and I to the bookstore where they would set us loose. (I'm not an animal, but the way I go crazy over books sometimes begs to defer.) It was me who got my sister into reading when I made a few recommendations that I thought would suit her taste...

I'm not really sure when the obsession really started, but a short while later, I couldn't help myself when it came to reading and books. And when I went online, and despite the fact that at the time I only had dial-up and it took FOREVER to load any of the pages, I discovered more info about authors and their books through their sites and well, the blogging world. I've been a member of the Chapters/Indigo online community for over 2 years and on blogger for over a year, and I really do think that being part of these places where I can share my love of reading with others has only fueled my book obsession even more.

That's part of the reason why I finally thought about creating a blog- just another outlet to share the books I read and my thoughts on them.

I'm going to show you all something now that only a few really know about or have seen... gulp... my books.


The third pic is actually of my sister's books but we share our books with each other, so they're technically mine too. There's a couple books missing from the first pic, but that's because she was borrowing them to read. I tried to rearrange some of the books in the pics to show how there are some books hiding behind other ones.

But yes, this is pretty much my current bookshelf. I'm kind of running out of places to stack them...

Okay, so what do you think so far? If you managed to read until this point without being bored to tears, then thanks! I'll try to post some reviews soon but in the meantime, comments about the blog layout and overall appearance right now would be totally appreciated. Learning about creating a blog has been an interesting and sometimes frustrating process for a technology-challenged girl like me.

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  1. Hey Liz! wow you have a lovely selection of books! You also have a lot of books I am planning on reading haha lol..I only own about half the amount you own so it's pretty cool to see someone who loves reading as much as I do :). Someday I shall share pictures of my books hehe :)

  2. Thanks so much Lucy! And yeah, it's pretty cool to see others who are just obsessed- I mean, interested- in books as you are... lol. If/when you get to share your books, I'll be totally looking forward to it!

  3. Wow, that is def a great collection of books. Crazy good fun right there. I see so many books in your shelf that are also on mine :)

    Have you read all the books on those shelves?

    Oh, I see Stray. That is a fab book!




  4. Hey Twisted,
    Thanks... we must have good taste in books! ^.~ And yep, I've pretty much read all those books in the pics. There's a few more I have to read from the third pic because I have to wait for my sis to let me borrow them, lol.

  5. WoW, look at all of those books. What a great start for a library! Keep up the wonderful reviews!

    Zombies are for May!  Morbid Romantica Challenge links are up for Zombies along with a few book ideas.  Some I myself will be trying out! Stop by and let me know which Zombie book I should be reading!

    Mad Scientist
    Steampunkery & Book Reviews
    For The L♥ve of Reading
