Book Trailer! - The Scorch Trials by James Dashner

9:00 AM

The Scorch Trials, the sequel to The Maze Runner and the second novel in the trilogy, will be out in stores tomorrow and look what I came across... the book trailer!

I just started reading The Maze Runner and so far so good I have a feeling there will be plenty of excitement to come! I also watched the trailer for The Maze Runner since I hadn't seen it either and honestly, it's like the freakiest book trailer I've ever watched. It made my pulse quicken just watching it... so now I'm going to be expecting scary moments while I'm reading, lol!

 Release Date: October 12, 2010
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers

Is anyone else looking forward to The Scorch Trials or has read The Maze Runner?

You can also check out James Dashner's website here where there's even a Maze Runner Missions game where you have to complete tasks within the Maze without dying or running out of time making it back to the Glade. 

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  1. Thanks for sharing these trailers! I just love book trailers and had my students make some last year.

    I am so excited for The Scorch Trials that I can hardly stand it!
