
Book Blogger Hop + Follow Friday (10)

2:50 AM

Follow Friday and Book Blogger Hop are weekly events hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee and Jennifer at Crazy-for-Books respectively. 

This week's question/topic is: How do you spread the word about your blog? (e.g. Social Networking sites, Book Blog Directories, comments on other blogs...)

Well, I guess my answer would be a bit of everything in those examples. When I first began blogging, I basically sent out the word on a few Chapters/Indigo Community groups and posted about it on Bookurious, hoping to get a few first impressions and thoughts on the blog. 

Once I built up a bit more content, I then joined Book Blogs and applied to be on the YA Book Blog Directory. I don't really know how much being a part of those two has helped though.

I think the best way of spreading the word though has been though these two memes every week. Certainly, without the help of the Hop or FF, I would never have gotten past 20 followers, let alone 150+. It has been so much visiting new blogs every week and 'meeting' new bloggers!

And of course, another way I've found that's useful to spread the word about your blog? Be active in the blogosphere! But I don't necessarily mean leaving your link every time you visit someone's blog. Share the comment love, and hopefully you'll receive some in return too! 

What about you guys?

Well, I'm off to do some blog hopping! *hops away* 

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  1. Hi, hopping by on the blog hop :)


  2. Hopping by to say Hi! I am already a follower.
    Have a great Weekend!
    My Book Blogger Hop

  3. Awesome you got to meet all those authors at Chapters! Nice when they come up to Canada (if only they'd come to Vancouver, lol...) :)

  4. Yeah, if I'm reading a review, I don't link back... that's not what reading someone's review is about (unless it's posted as part of FF or the Hop, I always link back on those two events)... it's about reading a person's take on something. The only time I *might* post a link on a review was if the person really loved a book and I had a giveaway for something directly related. (example, I'm now giving away a Coraline doll that is *really* cute... if I saw someone raving about the book... I'd probably tell them about my giveaway)

    You did mention a few places I haven't been yet though, to network, so I'll have to check them out!

    Check out my Blog Hop, Follow Friday and Giveaway!

  5. I'm already following.

    Hop by and have some tea :)

    Mad Scientist
    Laboratory found @

  6. I am a new follower come follow me and check out my blog http://inthe-outhouse.blogspot.com

  7. Stopping back for a visit.

    Stop by my blog if you like to see how I get the word out:

