
In My Mailbox (32)

1:14 PM

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren where we share any new books or goodies we bought, received, borrowed, etc. during the week. 

This week I got...

Received for Review:

Thanks so much to Scholastic Canada and to Jennifer Echols who sent me her upcoming novel to review! She's among my favourite contemporary authors so I've been really looking forward to Love Story! And if you haven't read a novel by her yet, what are you still waiting for? 


    Thank you to Gretchen McNeil who sent me some swag, a bookmark and a couple temporary tattoos, when I was one of the winners for her recent giveaway on her blog! 

    And thanks to Chapters Queensway and Scholastic Canada for this cool prize I won which included an ARC, a pretty Abandon sticker and a Chapters/Indigo gift card, at the recent Meg Cabot signing! I would have posted my recap of the Meg Cabot signing already but then Blogger decided to go all crazy on everyone so I couldn't write it. I shall have more details on what happened during the event soon and there may just be a giveaway involved too!


      I've been really looking forward to Die for Me for awhile so I can't wait to begin reading it. I bought Cyberabad Days because it's the last required reading novel I needed to get for a science fiction summer half-course I'm taking which will be beginning soon.

      I waited two years for Sarah Dessen's Along for the Ride to be released in paperback but I just don't think I can wait that long again. So even though What Happened to Goodbye is hardcover and doesn't match the rest of my books, at least I won't feel like I'm missing out while everyone gets to read and fall in love with it!

      What about YOU? Any new reads/finds this week?

      And as always... Happy Reading!

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      1. I used to always buy Dessen's hardcovers then either donate them or swap with someone when I bought the paperback because I loved how they all matched, lol Hope you enjoy it!

      2. O: I also got Die for me! But I havent started reading it yet because of my hw and stuff :X I hope you enjoy it! And I also want to read "What happened to goodbye" by Sarah Dessen! Her books are awesome :) Happy reading! If you have time, maybe you could visit my IMM

      3. Great IMM. I really want to read Die for Me. I love the cover. Hop over and check out my IMM:


      4. +JMJ+

        I haven't read any of these authors and don't know what to say about them except that I hope you enjoy their books. =)

        Also, I know what you mean about wanting your books to match. A few months ago, someone gave me a hardbound copy of Paranormalcy by Kiersten White. While I appreciated it very much, I wished she had got me a paperback copy, because it will be hard to fit an "odd book out" on my bursting shelves! =P

      5. Die for Me! Ahhh I really want that. I've seen it everywhere!

        iLive, iLaugh, iLove Books

      6. I'm looking forward to reading What Happened to Goodbye.

        Here's mine:

      7. Ahhh you managed to get a copy of Love Story...so jealous. Also love some seeing some of the swag you got at the signing. Hope you enjoy all your new reads!

      8. I'm really looking forward to Die for Me. If it would just arrive already :-)

        Happy reading!

      9. LOVE STORY! That book looks epic! Enjoy all your books - I'm really looking forward to Ashes Ashes. HAppy reading!!! :)

      10. I have never read a Dessen novel yet. I know, bad book blogger. I have two on my shelf in my HUGR TBR pile... so hopefully I will get to them sometimes this year and then be a huge Dessen follower too. ;)

      11. Thanks for stopping by. I really want to read Die For Me.

        Under The Covers Book Blog

      12. Great books this week. I loved Die For Me. So jealous of your arc of Love Story!
        Waiting for my copy of What Happened To Goodbye to arrive - love Sarah Dessen.
        Happy reading.

      13. Great books! I'm super excited for Die For Me and Ashes, Ashes. Can't wait to see your reviews!

      14. Lots of really great reads this week. I've been hearing good things about Ashes, Ashes so I hope you like it. I got Die For Me two weeks ago and can't wait to read it! Happy reading!

        My Mailbox

      15. Awesome books! I REALLY want to read Ashes, Ashes, The Eleventh Plauge, and Love Story, so I'm supremely jealous right now. And the Possess bookmark is beautiful! Happy reading. :)

      16. Great books! I'm green with envy right now ;) I really want Ashes ashes and Love Story! I eally enjoyed Die For me, hope you do too!

      17. Great books. Die For Me is so pretty, I love the colours on the cover. I haven't read any of the Sarah Dessen books, but I see so much love toward them, I really should pick up one sometime! Happy reading! :)
        Here's my IMM, check it out.

      18. Ahh! The Eleventh Plague and Ashes, Ashes! *jealous* Super excited to read your thoughts on those. Shamefully I am one of those who has never read Jennifer Echols novel. BUT I want to! And your enthusiasm has only encouraged me :)

        Hope you enjoy all these. I loved WHTG and Die For Me!

        My IMM

      19. I can't wait to read Ashes, Ashes---looks amazing! I recently read Die For Me and loved it---hope you do, too!

      20. You have such a great bunch of books this week. I can't wait to read "Die For Me." It's on my list to-read.


      21. SERIOUSLY cannot wait to read Love Story! You have an awesome mailbox this week! I feel like everybody bought Die For Me, and with good reason! It's a great read :) Enjoy!

      22. I've heard 'Ashes Ashes' is quite good. I think I'll definitely pick it up at some point once it's out. 'Love Story'!!! I cannot wait for that one, of course. & yay Sarah Dessen. My copy hasn't arrived yet of course (not like it's my favourite author and I'm DYING to read it or anything *rolls eyes*), but I can't wait to read WHTG.

      23. I bought What Happened to Goodbye too! ;) Can't wait to read it.

      24. Die for Me is SO GOOD! I hope you like it. I'm a new follower =)
        Here's my IMM post.

      25. *squeee* I want Die for Me sooooo badly!!! I need to find a way to buy it someday really soon haha! You always have so many fantastic books each week hon! I can't wait to hear your thoughts! Thank you for stopping by<3

      26. This is an absolutely fantastic collection of stories of varying length. I never thought science fiction set in India
        could be done so well until I read this and River of Gods.
        The way Ian McDonald writes it seems that he has lived in India forever and his observations about the culture, the ways the caste system works,
        the preference for a male child are spot on. His prose is electric and Ian McDonald turns even spiritual discourses into absolute page turners.
        Indeed it is amazing that the best science fiction on India has been written by someone British.

        Hyderabad Classifieds
