
New Look for the Blog!

1:37 PM

Did you notice anything different about the blog today? I was procrastinating last night and finally decided to just change the look of the blog instead of waiting a bit longer like I had planned.

So what do you guys think of the changes I've made? There's a new header and background, and I switched to a white background for the text, so hopefully it's easier to read everything! That was my main goal because the grey/black background before was even starting to hurt my eyes a little, so I know it probably bothered some of you!

I'm going to try to add some social icons when I have more time, and since I know pretty much nothing about html, I'm just googling things in that regard. But otherwise, I've gotten the main things I wanted to fix up out of the way!

Please let me know how you like the new look! I'd like to hear your thoughts! ^_^

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  1. Love the new look!! I love blog makeovers:)

  2. LOVE the new look! It's so clean and fun, and that header is gorgeous! :D

  3. Very cool change! :D

  4. I love your new header! :) Also I agree with the lighter background for text... easier to read.

  5. Woah that header is stunning! Love the mask and the colours used there, and also the font. And I agree, generally white text on a dark background does get hard on the eyes after a while.

  6. Lizzz I love love love the new look! It's really awesome!!!I especially like the header! It also takes alot less time to load for me!

  7. Wow, it looks awesome! Very professional and artsy at the same time. It must be blog makeover month or something. I'm in the processes of changing my blog, you've changed yours, and another blog I follow has changed hers. It's fun to see all of the new looks :)

  8. I like the background and your sidebars look so neat and tidy.

  9. Thanks so much everyone!! I'm so glad you guys you love it!! ^_^

    Lucy- I didn't consider loading time, so yay! That's an added bonus then that it's loading faster!

    Lindsay- I guess everyone feels like mixing it up! I totally agree- it's fun to see their new looks after a bit of redesigning!

  10. I loooove your new blog look. It is fab :) I can't wait to catch up on your reviews!
