
In My Mailbox (18)

12:00 PM

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren where we share any new books or goodies we bought, received, borrowed, etc. during the week.

This is more like a Christmas edition of IMM! This is what I got...

  • A Blue So Dark by Holly Schindler
  • My Soul to Steal (Soul Screamers #4) by Rachel Vincent
  • Rhymes with Cupid by Anna Humphrey
  • Vixen (Flappers #1) by Jillian Larkin
Borrowed from Library:
  • Fishtailing by Wendy Philips
  • The Second Trial by Rosemarie Boll
I usually buy my Christmas gift books with my Mom and then she wraps it up to be opened later, lol. I've started Rhymes With Cupid and so far it's a cute read revolving around the approaching dreaded day for some, Valentine's Day. And my last WoW pick was Playing Hurt by Holly Schindler, so after hearing some great things about her debut novel A Blue So Dark, I knew I had to read it! I'm hoping Vixen is good too... I've heard some mixed comments though... And I love Rachel Vincent's Soul Screamers series, so it was a no-brainer to pick up her latest release. I read it yesterday and it was so good! I can't for the next one!

My sister's in the White Pine reading group at her school, so she borrowed the two books from her high school library... I've been reading the White Pine nominees for the past few years (this will be my fifth), and it's a great way to try out novels by Canadian authors I may not have heard about otherwise. In case you're interested, these are the 2011 White Pine nominees from a post I did awhile ago. I'll be adding the nominees to my Challenge page soon so I can keep track of my progress!

What about YOU guys? What Christmas loot did you receive?

Happy Reading!!

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  1. My parents skip the whole book-picking process and got me giftcards :P I think the first thing I'm going to do is preorder City of Fallen Angels-then we're off to the mall this afternoon so I can go to Coles!

  2. My mom makes me do a list of books I want and then she goes and buys them. =) You got some really good books! Hope you enjoy them all!

  3. Great Books! I can't wait to read A Blue So Dark. Happy Reading! :)

  4. I cannot wait to see what you think of A BLUE SO DARK! I loved it!

  5. Great mailbox! I'm dying to read a few of those books myself. I don't know if you'd be up for a trade sometime in the future (since I live in Ontario too which means shipping won't be so high) :)

  6. You got some great books! I really want to read the Soul Screamers series by Rachel Vincent, I adored her Shifters series. I'm really looking forward to Vixen and A Blue So Dark as well. Enjoy all your books!

  7. Aw, Rhymes with Cupid looks very cute! And I am looking forward to finding out what happens in My Soul to Steal... enjoy!

  8. I would love to learn more about the White Pine awards - what are they equivalent to in the US? I love the cover of A Blue So Dark - looks amazing. Great week of books!

  9. Thanks guys, My Soul To Steal was awesome and I'm still completely smitten with Tod! I can't wait to start A Blue So Dark... the cover is so pretty....

    Jen (Literature for Lunch)- I'm not really sure if there's an equivalent for the White Pine awards as it's basically a yearly award run by the Ontario Library Association. I guess you could always try a google search for any reading programs in your State... I'm just not really sure how your system works in the US. Sorry, I can't be of more help! :(

  10. I do the same thing with books as presents :) Vixen looks amazing, I hope to read it soon too.
