
Badass Bookie's 2011 Debutante Event

11:28 AM

Hey everyone! Badass Bookie is hosting a 2011 Debutante Event throughout the month of December to celebrate the coming new year and the new debutante authors it will bring!

This is the schedule of the events, so if you're interested in reading more about these debut authors and their novels (which you should!), be sure to check out her blog on these days! Plus, there WILL be giveaways for a chance to win their books too!

Schedule for 2011 Debutante Event: 
1st-2nd of Dec - Julia Karr (XVI)
3rd-4th of Dec - Amy Holder (Lipstick Laws)
5th-6th of Dec - Carrie Harris (Bad Taste In Boys)
7th-8th of Dec - Elana Johnson (Possession)
9th-10th of Dec - Lia Habel (Dearly, Departed)
11th-12th of Dec - Sara Bennett Wealer (Rival)
13th-14th of Dec - Beth Revis (Across the Universe)
15th-16th of Dec - Lisa and Lauren Roecker (The Liar Society)
17th -18th of Dec - Kristi Cook (Haven)
19th -20th of Dec - Cynthia Hand (Unearthly)
21st-22nd of Dec - Kiki Hamilton (The Faerie Ring)
23rd-24th of Dec - Lauren DeStefano (Wither)
25th of Dec - Wrap up post 

Sound great? Check out Badass Bookie's blog here.

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  1. This looks awesome. :)

    Oh and thanks for the comment on my IMM about Glimmerglass... I kept reading mixed reviews so I was a little iffy on this one, but I think I will like it.

  2. I'm totally looking forward to this! What an awesome monthlong event :D
