
2011 Debut Author Challenge Hosted by The Story Siren

12:48 AM

YA blogger extraordinaire Kristi, The Story Siren, is hosting the 3rd annual Debut Author Challenge! I'm signing up for the very first time and seeing as I love trying out new novels by debut authors, I think this will be the perfect challenge!

The goal is to read at least 12 novels by debut YA or MG authors, with the challenge running from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011. While 12 is the minimum, there is no maximum number of novels to be read!

This is my tentative list of debut novels that I'm going to read next year:

1) Across The Universe by Beth Revis
2) Unearthly by Cynthia Hand
3) Choker by Elizabeth Woods
4) Vesper (Deviants #1) by Jeff Sampson
5) Timeless by Alexandra Monir
6) Here Lies Bridget by Paige Harbison
7) The Demon Trapper's Daughter (Demon Trapper's #1) by Jana Oliver
8) The Iron Witch (The Ironbridge Chronicles #1) by Karen Mahoney
9) Where I Belong by Gwendolyn Heasley
10) Angelfire (Angelfire #1) by Courtney Allison Moulton
11) Haven by Kristi Cook
12) Clarity by Kim Harrington
13) Wither by Lauren DeStefano
14) Born at Midnight (Shadow Falls #1) by C.C. Hunter
15) Saving June by Hannah Harrington
16) The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter 
17) Blood Magic (Blood Magic #1) by Tessa Gratton
18) Divergent by Veronica Roth
19) But I Love Him by Amanda Grace (pseudonym of Mandy Hubbard)
20) Die For Me (Revenants #1) by Amy Plum
21) Hourglass by Myra McEntire
22) Starcrossed (Starcrossed #1) by Josephine Angelini
23) Ashes, Ashes by Jo Treggiari
24) Forgotten by Cat Patrick
25) Sirenz by Charlotte Bennardo and Natalie Zaman
26) Bad Taste in Boys by Carrie Harris

This list is by no means complete and takes me only to July, so I'll be adding more to the list in the future for sure! I'll probably create a new page on the blog to keep track of my progress on the challenge too...

There are so many 2011 debut author books that sound great! I can't wait to get my hands on them and start reading!!

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  1. Awesome list you've got there for the DAC. There's so many reads to look forward to, and I hope that I'll be able to read as many as I want to. I actually can't wait to track your progress on that new page you'll be making.

    :) Tina

  2. Yay! I'm so excited for this challenge as well and you have a fabulous list there:) So many good books coming out next year!

  3. Good luck with the challenge! I hope most - if not all - of those are made of awesome.

    Happy reading,

  4. Great list Liz!!! I have some of this on my list too! Can't wait to get started!

  5. Looks like you have an amazing list. I hope you get to read them all!

    I've read 4 of them already. I would say start with Angelfire. It was amazing!

    Mad Scientist

  6. Wow I like your list. Lots on there that I want to read too. Good luck!

  7. You have chosen so many books from only the first half of the year! Sounds like you'll be busy reading all year long. I suppose there are worse things to be busy doing for a year :)

  8. So the Challenges page has been up and running for a couple weeks now but I thought I'd leave a comment to say I'll updating/editing my 2011 DAC list there! :)
