
Lisa McMann Signing in Toronto and Giveaway!

9:00 AM

Yesterday night, I had the very cool opportunity to meet Lisa McMann on her last tour stop for the release of Cryer's Cross at Indigo Yorkdale in Toronto!

I was actually a bit worried that she might not be able to make it to the event because a snowstorm decided to hit Southern Ontario, dumping snow on us when just a few days ago I had already begun to start wearing a spring jacket. Needless to say, I switched back to my winter coat and boots... And because of the bad weather and driving conditions, a few bloggers I had been hoping to finally meet couldn't make it to the event which really saddened me, so I'm really hoping we get another chance to meet someday! 

Anyways, I'm so glad Lisa McMann made it to Toronto! What a nice welcome to Canada and our cold winter weather, eh?

So the event began a little bit after 7:00 pm and right away, Lisa had everyone smiling with her entrance as she made her way to the front. After a short introduction which included talking about Cryer's Cross and handing out some cool green bracelets that take on the form of a soccer player when you're not wearing them, she quickly jumped into reading a couple chapters of The Unwanteds, the first novel in her upcoming dystopian fantasy series aimed at MG and older which is currently set for release August 30, 2011. Let me just say that the writing is completely different from her Wake series and Cryer's Cross, in a fashion that is more like storytelling. (If that makes any sense to you at all...)

After she finished reading (and leaving off on a note that totally had us wanting more!), she answered a few audience questions. One of these questions was regarding the inspiration behind Cryer's Cross, of which Lisa answered in a short heartwarming story how her daughter, who has OCD just like Kendall in the novel, played a role in inspiring her to write the novel.

Once the questions were finished, it was time for the book signing! I was kind of nervous to actually go up and say, "Hi!" and all, but Lisa McMann is so nice and friendly! It's pretty much impossible to not be at ease in her presence! 

That couldn't possibly be me meeting Lisa McMann? O.o Thanks so much to Lisa for coming to Toronto to meet some of your Canadian readers! It was such an awesome evening!

And for some extra things, you can read my gushing review of Cryer's Cross, watch the book trailer, or check out my author interview with Lisa when Cryer's Cross was released in February.

So I did mention there would be a giveaway, right? I have one signed copy of CRYER'S CROSS to give away to a lucky FOLLOWER! This giveaway will be INTERNATIONAL but I'm giving my fellow Canadian followers a couple extra entries because this was the only tour stop in Canada and well, the weather totally sucked so I'm sure it must have stopped some of you from attending. The giveaway will end on APRIL 15, 2011 after which point I will choose a winner using a random number generator. I will send an email to the winner for their mailing address and they'll have 48 hours give or take to respond back. Good luck!

-> Winner has been announced! <-

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  1. I had to work last night and I missed this signing and I was sooo upset about it! I am so glad someone from Canada was able to make it! Thanks for the amazing giveaway and I am so jealous of you right now lol!

  2. Hi MidnightBlooms. It was really nice meeting you at the signing last night. Your blog is gorgeous!

    I can't wait for The Unwanteds, not after hearing the first couple chapters.

    Great giveaway! (I already have my copy *hugs it*)


  3. Thanks so much for that great post! I am still mad I couldn't make it beacause of that freak snowstorm, I was looking forward to finally meeting you too! But your post was the next best thing, so thank you for filling us in for those who could be there. Your awesome!

  4. Kristen- Awww, that's unfortunate you couldn't get off work to see her! Let's hope she comes back to TO, right?

    Geekgirl- It was nice meeting you too and thanks! :)

    Cathy- I know! Why did it have to snow yesterday of all days? Grrr.... Hopefully, we'll get another chance to meet some other time and that this post helps out a bit for what happened last night...

  5. I love reading about book signings that other bloggers attended as I hardly get to go to any.

  6. Ooh, sounds like a really good time!!

    I think you guys around Toronto must have gotten it WAY worse than we did, because we barely got any snow at all, thank goodness.

  7. Wow, it sounds like you had such a great time! I need to move to Toronto...
    Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  8. I'm absolutely seething with anger at the dumb weather. I'm so glad you had fun though!

    I just called Indigo and asked them to put a signed copy of Cryer's Cross on hold for me so I won't be entering. But it's so sweet of you to give Canadian followers some extra entries!

    I'll be seeing you at the Kelley Armstrong signing right? I'm extra excited since she's Canadian as well!

  9. Awesome meeting you! Thanks for the great account of the event. It was a blast!

  10. LOL, it was more the distance than the weather that stopped me but the extra Canadian entries are appreciated all the same! :D I'm interested to see how the OCD aspect is worked into Cryer's Cross. Looks like you had fun at the signing!

  11. Oh, love the post! I wish authors wouuld come to Canada more :( Esp west coast... it's always Toronto *sniff* xD hahaha just kidding. thank you for the giveaway!

  12. I'm glad you had a good time regardless that there was a freak snowstorm. I was hoping to have made it to the event, but it was too far to drive on a work night for me. And I guess it's good I didn't try since the storm would have made it impossible to get to.

    Great pics btw! And thanks for the chance to win a signed copy! :)

  13. Ah I'm so jealous! By the time I got home I would've been late just trekking it back to Yorkdale. If it was anything like the Clare/Black signing it must've been awesome! And thanks for the giveaway, hurray for being Canadian ;D

  14. thank you so much for the giveaway!

  15. What a perfect giveaway ! Signed copy ! *Melting* Thanks for the chance to win ;)

  16. Thank your for this giveaway. I keep hearing great things about this book but never win lol. (can't find the book in my country)
    And thank you for making it international! yay :D fingers crossed!

  17. Lucky you! I had an exam that day or I would have made it down to Yorkdale too. I have a feeling I'm going to be missing Kelley Armstrong's visit as well :(

  18. Great contest! Thanks for makinbg more entries for being Canadian! That's awesome :)
    The first time I filled out the form, it didn't work, so I had to re-do it, hopefully it didn't count as 2 entries, if it did - SORRY!

    Thanks again :)

  19. Thank you so much for the giveaway!

  20. Thank you so much for the chance.

    I wish I also can attend any book signing.

  21. Ah I didn't get to go! That's too bad; it looked like so much fun! Ah! Glad you went though and got a signed copy :O :)

  22. Sounds like you had a great time. Thanks for the giveaway!

  23. Hi:) This is the first time I've come across your blog and I totally love it! I don't ever want to lose touch, so I've subscribed via e-mail. Thanks for the giveaway:)I've read excellent reviews about this book.

