
In My Mailbox (16)

6:00 PM

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren where we share any new books or goodies we bought, received, borrowed, etc. during the week.

This week I got...
  • The Eyes of a King (The Last Descendants #1) by Catherine Banner
  • Voices in the Dark (The Last Descendants #2) by Catherine Banner
I won both novels from Bookurious in a surprise giveaway! Thank you! I read the plot descriptions and I would fit them under the fantasy genre, which I don't read too often, so it will be nice to read them once I somehow make my way through my TBR pile. There was also a lovely bookmark for Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly and Bookurious included as well!

And I did buy Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead a couple days ago too, but my Mom has hidden it from me so I'm not tempted to read it before I finish my exams. So I'll include it in my next IMM post!

I have one more exam to go and it's on Tuesday, and after that... I'm on break for the holidays! I'm so excited... would you believe me if I said I've only read like 3 YA books this past month?.... It's horrible! I have quite a few books I need to buy (like Matched and Anna and the French Kiss!) and I'm DEFINITELY going to get some reading done during the holidays!

What about YOU guys? Any new reads/finds this week?

Happy Reading!

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  1. Bookurious sounds like such a cool site! I wish I was younger, haha..

  2. Awesome IMM post! You got some great reads. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Anna and the French Kiss and Matched. They were amazing :) Good luck with finals! (Am I glad I am done with those forever ;) )
