
Indigo Author Signings - Part 2!

12:05 PM

Let's now begin Part 2 of the Indigo signings at Yonge & Eglinton! (In case you missed Part 1, the you can click here.) When 2:00 p.m. arrived, everyone (there was quite a good crowd!) was getting excited because we would be shortly meeting Richelle Mead and Carrie Jones! (I even had to hand my camera to my sister for awhile because my hands kept shaking- that's how nervous/excited I was...)

Once again, there was a little Q&A before the signing. We heard a few more details from Richelle about the VA spin-off series and the possibility of a movie, and I got to ask Carrie what Entice will be like. She couldn't give too much away though since it would mean spoilers for those who haven't read Captivate yet, but it definitely sounds like it will be exciting! (Nick is nice and all, but sorry, I'm supporting Team Astley now.)  

And then it was onto the signing! While we waited in line, the Indigo staff gave away some VA prizes for the quickest person to answer some of their questions, and I actually won a keychain! (I'm so surprised I could even think to answer in the first place.)

Here I am with Carrie Jones! 

And here I am with Richelle Mead! (I still can't believe it really happened...)

Thank you so much Carrie and Richelle for making the trek North and meeting us! And of course, a huge kudos goes out to Chapters/Indigo for holding events such as this one!

So, that pretty much sums up my fun time at Indigo Yonge & Eglinton. It was such a cool experience and I felt so fortunate to get the chance to actually meet them. All of the authors were so nice, friendly and open to everyone! This is only my first year actually attending events like this, but with positive experiences such as the one that day, for sure, I'll be making my way to more if another opportunity presents itself! 

And oh my goodness, the day was still not over because I was going to be heading to the Teen Read Awards later that night!

I'll be posting my TRA's post soon and I even have my very first giveaway in the works, so stay tuned for more! ^.^

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  1. That is so brilliant you got to meet them! I'm insanely jealous :)

  2. I LOVE meeting authors! Great post :) It looks like the meet-up was a lot of fun. I am super excited to hear more information about your up-coming giveaway.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Great pics! :) Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun there too.

    Can't wait to read your TRA post. :)

  4. I met Richelle Mead last year and she was the very first author I've met.

  5. Hey! I'm stopping by from the Hop, and this post was the first thing I saw and OMG I had to comment on it! Richelle Mead!!!! You're so lucky!
    Fabulous photos, it looks like you had a great time!

    New follower, btw :)

  6. Aw lucky! Next time there are events like this in Toronto (aka when I read it on your blog :P ) I am definitely heading downtown. Not only to be amidst fellow booklovers but actually meet the authors of awesome books!
    And I'm also looking forward to reading about the TRA!
