
November Release Picks

8:00 AM

The second half of October has been really hectic for me at school, so I'm hoping I can finally take a bit of a breather in November. When I get home, I just want to collapse onto my bed in a state of exhaustion... And I'm behind on reading books for fun right now, so hopefully, I'll get a chance to catch up soon!

Here are this month's releases that I'm most looking forward to checking out! Once again, I've matched my Chapters/Indigo list with my top picks. If you'd like to know what other novels will be releasing this month, you can find more on my Upcoming Releases page as usual.

** I can't seem to find The Twisted Tragedy of Miss Natalie Stewart or The Lies That Bind on the Chapters/Indigo website. I've been excited for these sequels... so I'm really sad that it looks like they won't be available in Canada yet. There was a glitch on Chapters/Indigo's website. It's now been fixed and The Twisted Tragedy of Miss Natalie Stewart and The Lies That Bind are on their site! 

November 1

**The Twisted Tragedy of Miss Natalie Stewart (Magic Most Foul #2) by Leanna Renee Hieber ~ Goodreads / Chapters/Indigo

November 6
Days of Blood & Starlight (Daughter of Smoke and Bone #2) by Laini Taylor ~ Goodreads / Chapters/Indigo
**The Lies That Bind (Liar Society #2) by Lisa and Laura Roeker ~ Goodreads / Chapters/Indigo

November 13 
Black City (Black City #1) by Elizabeth Richards ~ Goodreads / Chapters/Indigo
Meant To Be by Lauren Morrill ~ Goodreads / Chapters/Indigo
Reached (Matched #3) by Ally Condie ~ Goodreads / Chapters/Indigo

November 20
Undeadly (The Reaper Diaries #1) by Michele Vail ~ Goodreads / Chapters/Indigo 


What books are YOU most looking forward to reading in November? What books did I miss that you can't wait to read?     

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  1. It's really lame when the books don't get released up here on time even when they're supposed to. I know Sourcebooks is smaller, so that might have something to do with it... but still, there have been some big name titles that I've had a hard time finding.

    Hmmmm tough call, but I think I'm most looking forward to the latest Morganville Vampires book. =)

  2. I'm looking forward to Days of Blood & Starlight for sure. I know how you feel Liz, school and work has been keeping me busy plus I have so many books I want to read but dont have enought time.

  3. Oh, those are good picks. The only one I've read is Meant to Be but it wasn't really for me.

    I might check out Reached because I did read Matched when it first came out. :D

  4. 1- Rockoholic by C.J. Skuse
    - The Twisted Tragedy of Miss Natalie Stewart (Magic Most Foul #2) by Leanna Renee Hieber

    6- Days of Blood and Starlight (Daughter of Smoke and Bone #2) by Laini Taylor
    - The Lies That Bind (The Liar Society #2) by Lisa and Laura Roecker

    13- Ashes of Twilight by Kassy Taylor
    - Black City (Black City #1) by Elizabeth Richards
    - Echo (Soul Seekers #2) by Alyson Noel
    - Lovely, Dark and Deep by Amy McNamara
    - Meant To Be by Lauren Morrill
    - Miss Fortune Cookie by Lauren Bjorkman
    - Reached (Matched #3) by Ally Condie
    - Renegade (The Elsyium Chronicles #1) by J.A. Souders

    20- Middle Ground (Awaken #2) by Katie Kacvinsky
    - Undeadly (The Reaper Diaries #1) by Michele Vail

    27- Lullaby (Watersong #2) by Amanda Hocking
