
In My Mailbox (63)

2:56 PM

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren where we share any new books or goodies we bought, received, borrowed, etc. during the week.

This week, I got...

Received for Review:

Thanks so much to Random House Canada and Scholastic Canada for sending these novels for review! 

I got a note saying the The Hunger Games Movie Companion was just for fun because they noticed I had loved the movie, which I thought was just the sweetest of Scholastic Canada to do. They have some great behind-the-scenes shots from the movie included in the book and it's been fun reading what ideas they in mind while filming the movie! Also, I watched The Hunger Games movie again last night and loved it just as much as the first time around!


I read Babe in Boyland last night and it was such an entertaining read which left me smiling the entire time! It really reminded me of the movie She's The Man because the girl disguises herself as boy to attend an all-boys school for a short while. And I'm determined to read Out of Sight, Out of Time soon! My sister already read the book but I wouldn't let her tell me anything about it in case she accidentally spoiled it for me.

What about YOU? Any new reads/finds this week?

And as always... Happy Reading!

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  1. Excellent haul this week, Liz! Kill Me Softly and Above are incredible! I hope you enjoy them =)

    By the way, will we be seeing each other in 2 weeks? (RHEvent?) I hope so =)

    Wonderful haul this week!
    Feel free to check mine out ~
    My IMM:http://mochalattereads.blogspot.ca/2012/03/in-my-mailbox52-overstuffedagain.html
    Happy Reading~
    A Cupcake and a Latte: Young Adult Reviews!

    1. Yesssss! I will be at the RHC event! I'll be so excited to see you and the other ladies again that day! :)

  2. Great mailbox!! I can't wait to read Above, The Calling, Kill Me Softly, and Book of Blood and Shadow. ENjoy all your new goodies!

  3. I really want to read Kill Me Softly, it sounds so good. Enjoy your books :)

  4. I've heard great things about Above and the cover is so gorgeous. Happy reading Liz!

  5. One day I am hoping to get my hands on a copy of Above! :) And I really need to get into the Gallagher Girl Series. Great IMM!

  6. I thought Out of Sight, Out of Time was really good and the darkest in the series. Enjoy your books! =)

  7. WOW! Great week! my mailbox has been pretty bare lately...

  8. O.O I *LOVE* your IMM! Oh, Kelley Armstrong! <3

    Patricia // My IMM

  9. New follower, I'm jealous of all the books you got especially Divine Intervention, great haul, my IMM


  10. Wow Liz! Look at that amazing mailbox! I can't wait to read Kill Me Softly, that one sounds fantastic as do both Above and The Book of Blood and Shadow. Enjoy!!!

  11. You got some seriously awesome books!
    Divine intervention looks nice and I hope you like April, May and June (I did). and Take a Bow! I hear that's awesome!

    Enjoy your loot and have a great week.

  12. Great week! I really want to read The Book of Blood and Shadows. I've heard a few mixed things about it, but overall, I think I'd personally really like it.

  13. You had a really amazing mailbox. I think Devine Intervention looks really good. I'm glad to hear Babes In Boyland is good too. Happy reading!
