
Waiting on Wednesday (72) - Black Heart by Holly Black

8:00 AM

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine spotlighting upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating. 

Release Date: April 3, 2012
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry

Summary (from Simon & Schuster Canada's website):
Cassel Sharpe knows he's been used as an assassin, but he's trying to put all that behind him. He's trying to be good, even though he grew up in a family of con artists and cheating comes as easily as breathing to him. He's trying to do the right thing, even though the girl he loves is inextricably connected with crime. And he's trying to convince himself that working for the Feds is smart, even though he's been raised to believe the government is the enemy.

But with a mother on the lam, the girl he loves about to take her place in the Mob, and new secrets coming to light, the line between what's right and what's wrong becomes increasingly blurred. When the Feds ask Cassel to do the one thing he said he would never do again, he needs to sort out what's a con and what's truth. In a dangerous game and with his life on the line, Cassel may have to make his biggest gamble yet—this time on love.
I'm not sure how many of you are aware yet, but Holly Black's Curse Workers series is getting a completely new look! The old cover featuring Cassel and Lila has been replaced by this lovely purple and black cover which features some pretty cool artwork.

I really was a fan of the old covers, so I'm sorry to burst your bubbles if you were also attached to the old ones, but I think it's interesting to see how the covers have been changed so much! With the old ones, you could easily get a dark crime noir vibe from the cover alone... but I really do love the purple colour, so I'm oddly conflicted. The obvious downside to the cover change is that my first two books won't match... but I'm sure it won't change the fact that Black Heart will be a great read!

I'm eager to see how Holly Black will finish the Curse Workers trilogy. I hope everything will work itself out in the end because Cassel's life was not looking too fun towards the end of Red Glove. I can't wait to read it! 

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  1. Dude. We are twins. http://geekgirlsbookblog.blogspot.com/2011/11/waiting-on-wednesday-black-heart.html

    Great choice, obviously :)


  2. I think I saw this one with a different cover. But whatever...I love this cover 10 times more!!! SO pretty! I'm gonna have to get it for that alone.

  3. I really hate to be a downer by it really bugs me when covers are changed mid series! I don't get why they don't wait till all the books are released and then create all the new covers they want. *Sigh* I'm gonna miss Cassel and Lila but I'm so excited to read this too <33

  4. Great choice. I agree with Laura. I hate changes mid series. And to be frank, this cover is nowhere near as appealing as the last ones. Have a good day!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. NO FREAKING WAY!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! WTF! seriously! okay... it's barely acceptable (but understandable)when they change the cover once...but twice?? O_o?? and such a major change! at least the first time they changed the cover, the changes weren't so so BIG O_O!!
    I like the cover but I dont like it more than the previous ones (totally my own personal opinion here) and... seriously??.... making such a big change is a lack of respect to the fans of the trilogy =(. They could at least release a few books with the old cover for the people who has already buy the books. If they want to reach more/other audience by changing the cover, well that's fine (if that's the case but I dunno)
    I am so sad!! I cant believe it!! sniff!!

  7. Wow - huge change! I was not a fan of the old covers at all and I'm not sure how I feel about this one. Hmmmm?

    Love the series tho!

  8. I knew about the cover change for a while but...I'm not a fan. I'd rather have myself a pretty finished copy of Black Heart featuring Lila and Cas (the old one).

  9. I don't like these knew covers. Don't represent the books well. Also now my set won't match and I loved the old Black Heart cover! It was gorgeous. Wish my set will match. Now it won't =[

  10. @Danielle: I ABSOLUTELY agree! I mean...dude... the old covers were so accurate! the characters, the color theme that went so perfectly well with the book titles! and The Aesthetics of the old covers represented so well the *mafia* genre of the books.
    The new cover is nice! really. But I do see the link to the books.

    I love these books with all my heart. The y are one of my favorites out there and I've been looking forward to read Black Heart. I loved the cover featuring Cassel and Lila. But seriously? I might just loan the book from the library because this cover will simply look odd with my other two.

  11. I like the old cover much better. Not a fan of this one at all. I liked the one with Cassel and Lila. The series is amazing though and I still am really excited for this book.

  12. This is a great cover, but the old covers had more of a mobster type feel (or at least the first one did) and I think they fit the story better.

  13. I love the cover for this!! Sounds interesting, I haven't heard of this series before. I'll have to check out the other books!

    Check out my Waiting on Wednesday

  14. I did hear about the cover change but this is the first time I've seen the new cover. Why??? I loved the old covers so much more but I guess its the story on the inside that counts.

  15. Going to be honest.. Haven't read the book yet. But This cover makes me want to read it more than the old one.. the old one felt cheesy to me. Personal opinion of course. :)


  16. This is the Black Cat, Red Glove... etc series?
    I wanted to read those, and I did like the original covers.
    I like this one but the others were a bit more original, I think

  17. Seems like a cover more pre-disposed towards girls,with all the swirls and twirls, also gives the immediate impression of being a Y/A novel for the Twilight generation rather than the more adult cover like 'White Cat'and 'Red Glove'

  18. This seems too reminiscent of "Beautiful Creatures" to me.

  19. Bit odd to change mid series isn't it? The books I read had different covers anyway - the first just had a white cat in the bottom corner and the second was a hand dripping in blood. To be honest I didn't really feel that they looked similar anyway but this is a total changed. I can live with it quite easily so long as the content remains as good - although this is one set of books that will never look like a set!

  20. While I can't wait for the book, I'm unsure about the cover. The tweaks they made to the covers between White Cat and Red Glove were understandable, but this? I'm not sure. It's pretty, but I'm not so sure. Maybe people will print out pictures of the old cover and glue them on. ;)

  21. I want to start by saying I'm ridiculously excited to read this book. Cassel Sharpe is without a doubt one of the best protagonists I've read about in awhile and this series is just fantastic.

    And here is where I complain:
    I'm really unhappy with the cover change. I understand why publishing companies do it but what drives me crazy is when they change the last book in a series. Why couldn't they have just re-released all of them AFTER the third one came out, opposed to changing them right at the end? This happened recently with the Shade books, and it got me angry as well.
    Personally, I LOVE it when all my books match. It makes me so happy to look at them on my shelf and it makes me BUY the books so they will all look right. Changing the covers mid-series or (even worse in my opinion) at the end drives me mad because now I own all the books with the original covers and have to buy the new covers. It really frustrates me and has caused me to not buy books because of it.

    The new cover I don't like as much as the old one. I feel like the old covers match the series so well, with the brooding Cassel and the smoky theme. This one just doesn't fit.

    Again, to repeat my earlier statement: I LOVE this series. It's absolutely one of my faves and this will not affect my love of the book. I know it's going to be fantastic (just like every other Holly Black book I have read) and I can't wait to see how it all ends. I'm just going to be disappointed when I see this cover.

    Okay, rant over :)

  22. Aw no! Cover change! I really loved the old ones :/. Won't affect me too much because I think the UK covers are still the same, but I adored the US covers for this series. Oh well, I guess. And I can't wait for this book! I still haven't read Red Glove (o_O) but it's on my tbr. Great pick! :)

  23. SO CAN'T WAIT!! Though i did like the older covers, they're more familiar instead of generic, but still, awesome pick liz!

  24. This is a joke, right? Right? Please let this be a joke...

    The first two covers were perfect!

  25. Oooooh pretty!! I'm not sure which I like better - they both have a different sort of appeal. Although it's disappointing when covers change midway through a series because, like you said, your previous ones won't match.

    I've yet to read the Curse Workers series (I know, I'm hanging my head in shame as I type!) but they sound soo good and so many of you rave about them! Must grab a copy of The White Cat soon :)

    Oh and re: your IMM comment the other day... I spoke to Honey a couple of weeks ago, I don't think she'll be online much in the future either. She said she's been really stressed/busy with real life - school and work in particular and she doesn't have the time to blog and social network anymore. Which is sad, cause we'll miss her ;(

  26. Horrible horrible horrible! Does not match the series at all! Very disappointed! I'll still buy the book because of Holly, but this is nothing worth displaying.

  27. Blech. Just blech. I'm dying to read the book but this cover is just awful, too '70s looking. Ick.

  28. Not sure what S & S is going for here. Sad that they changed the book covers so many times. I liked the previous ones much better.
