Spotted! Cover of Endlessly by Kiersten White

11:04 PM

Kiersten White revealed the cover of Endlessly, the third and final novel in the Paranormalcy series, earlier today on her blog!

Release Date: July 24, 2012
Publisher: HarperTeen 

Summary (from Goodreads):
The final chapter of Evie's adventures. Old friends, new ones, all wrapped up in impossible decisions. And some ball gowns. Because what's a life of normal and paranormal drama without a ball gown or two?

Oh my gosh! Isn't the cover of Endlessly absolutely gorgeous? I love love LOVE the purple, the dress, Evie's expression... and well, generally everything! Paranormalcy and Supernaturally are two totally sweet supernatural novels with such a fun writing style, and I'm definitely highly anticipating the release of Endlessly!

Seriously, I can't stop staring at this cover! I hope a more officially description comes along because I'm eager to hear more... but in any case, I'm sure it will be just as awesome as the previous novels.

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  1. I love love love this cover.
    I can't wait to read the book :D
    This is one of those few cases where the insides are sure to be as good as the outsides!

  2. I know, it's so beautiful! Such a rich purple and of course goes so well with the first two. (I still need to read Supernaturally!)

  3. Purple is my favourtie colour, so I love this! Very pretty :). Can't wait to have all three on my bookshelf - it'll look awesome! :P
