2013 Debut Author Challenge

Two Lies and a Spy by Kat Carlton

10:00 AM
4 Stars

The Morning Star by Robin Bridges

2:32 PM
4.5 Stars

The Distance Between Us by Kasie West

8:00 AM
3.5 Stars

Of Triton by Anna Banks

8:00 AM
2013 Debut Author Challenge

Review & Giveaway: The Beautiful and the Cursed by Page Morgan

8:00 AM
4.5 Stars

Of Beast and Beauty by Stacey Jay

8:00 AM
5 Stars

The Trouble With Flirting by Claire LaZebnik

1:01 PM
3.5 Stars

Jane Austen Goes to Hollywood by Abby McDonald

8:00 AM
3 Stars

Gorgeous by Paul Rudnick

8:00 AM
Heather Brewer

Waiting on Wednesday (155) - Soulbroken by Heather Brewer

9:10 PM
Amanda Sun

Book Trailer! - Ink by Amanda Sun

8:00 AM
Morgan Rhodes

Waiting on Wednesday (154) - Rebel Spring by Morgan Rhodes

8:00 AM
Cover Reveal

Cover Reveal! A Little Too Far by Lisa Desrochers (& Swag Giveaway!)

12:00 PM
Lesley Livingston

Waiting on Wednesday (153) - Descendant by Lesley Livingston

8:00 AM
Katie McGarry

Spotted! Cover of Crash Into You by Katie McGarry

8:53 PM

June Release Picks

10:00 AM