Title: A Witch in Love (Winter Trilogy #2) Author: Ruth Warburton Release Date: July 5, 2012 (paperback) Publisher: Hodder Children's Books Pages: 416 Source: Copy provided by publisher Overall: 4 Stars Summary: Anna still finds it hard to believe that Seth loves her and has vowed to suppress her powers, no matter what. But magic - like love - is uncontrollable and soon,...
I'm really excited to be taking part today in the Canadian blog tour for C.K. Kelly Martin's new novel, Yesterday, which was just released in bookstores a few days ago! I was fortunate to get my hands on an ARC of Yesterday and as soon as I started reading it, I couldn't set it back down! While C.K. Kelly Martin might be more...
The book trailer for Theo Lawrence's debut novel, Mystic City, has been unveiled! I haven't really read any reviews for the novel yet, but the plot description first captured my attention months ago, and since then, I've been keeping an eye on Mystic City... Enjoy the book trailer! Are you looking forward to reading Theo Lawrence's Mystic City? With a combination of dystopian...
Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine spotlighting upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating. Release Date: October 23, 2012 Publisher: Harlequin Teen Add to Goodreads Summary (from Goodreads): Don't look at Them. Never let Them know you can see Them. That is Ethan Chase's unbreakable rule. Until the fey he avoids at all costs—including his reputation—begin to disappear,...
I somehow missed watching the book trailer for The Blessed, the first novel in a new series by Tonya Hurley, when it was first revealed on EW's Shelf Life a week or so ago, but it's certainly left me much more curious to read the book! It's very dark and mysterious, and vague enough to leave me wondering more about the spiritual identities...
Harlequin Teen premiered the book trailer for Gena Showalter's Alice in Zombieland, the first novel in The White Rabbit Chronicles, earlier today on their Facebook page! I'm really loving this book trailer! The background music is haunting and creepy, and the scenes they acted out in the trailer are straight from the novel and capture some of the darkness that has entered Alice's...
Elizabeth Eulberg
Waiting on Wednesday (115) - Revenge of the Girl With the Great Personality by Elizabeth Eulberg
8:00 AM Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine spotlighting upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating. Release Date: March 1, 2013 Publisher: Scholastic Point Add to Goodreads Summary (from Goodreads): A hilarious new novel from Elizabeth Eulberg about taking the wall out of the wallflower so she can bloom.Don't mess with a girl with a Great Personality.Everybody loves Lexi. She's...
Title: Pushing The Limits Author: Katie McGarry Release Date: July 31, 2012 (hardcover) Publisher: Harlequin Teen Pages: 416 Source: Copy provided by publisher Overall: 5 Stars Summary: No one knows what happened the night Echo Emerson went from popular girl with jock boyfriend to gossiped-about outsider with "freaky" scars on her arms. Even Echo can't remember the whole truth of that horrible night....
As a Street Team blogger for the ENTICE ME DAY campaign, I couldn't be more excited to cheer on Lincoln today as part of the celebration for the recent release of Jessica Shirvington's Entice, the second novel in the Embrace series! All week long, Sourcebooks Fire and other bloggers have been posting and tweeting up a storm about some of the different characters...
Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine spotlighting upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating. Release Date: February 12, 2013 Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers Add to Goodreads Summary (from Simon & Schuster Canada): Time is running out for Rhine in this conclusion to the New York Times bestselling Chemical Garden Trilogy.With the clock ticking until...
Title: The Reluctant Journal of Henry K. Larsen Author: Susin Nielsen Release Date: September 11, 2012 (hardcover) Publisher: Tundra Books Pages: 256 Source: ARC provided by publisher Overall: 5 Stars Summary: Thirteen-year-old Henry’s happy, ordinary life comes to an abrupt halt when his older brother, Jesse, picks up their father’s hunting rifle and leaves the house one morning. What follows shatters Henry’s family,...
If I had to recommend a YA contemporary read with romance and a heartfelt storyline, Katie McGarry's Pushing The Limits would definitely be one of the first books to come to mind! The book was released in the middle of summer, but if you still haven't had a chance to check out Katie McGarry's amazing debut novel, then the giveaway below may be...
To my fellow Canadians, are you ready to mark your calendars? Here are some upcoming YA bookish events to look forward to in September! Smart Chicks Kick It! Tour Thursday, September 13 at 6 pm ~ Chapters Westside, Edmonton, Alberta. The authors attending are: Kelley Armstrong, Melissa Marr, Ally Condie, Charles de Lint, Beth Revis, Veronica Roth and Margaret Stohl Saturday, September 15 at...
Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by fellow Canadian blogger Tynga at Tynga's Reviews where we share any new books or goodies we bought, received, borrowed, etc. during the week. I'm back from Turkey! I arrived back home last Sunday, but I've been so sick all this week that I hardly had any energy to read any new books, let alone...
Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine spotlighting upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating. Release Date: February 5, 2013 Publisher: Feiwel & Friends Add to Goodreads Summary (from author's website): Cinder returns in the second thrilling installment of the New York Times-bestselling Lunar Chronicles. She’s trying to break out of prison—even though if she succeeds, she’ll be the...
Oh my, how is it September already? Come back, Summer! Come back! New classes for school may be just around the corner, but at least we have a busy month ahead with new YA books to read as a reward for finishing homework and studying... Here are this month's releases that I'm most looking forward to checking out! Once again, I've matched my...